Communication Matters | Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center Blog

4 Ways to Identify a Healthy Relationship

It can sometimes be difficult to identify the characteristics that help shape a healthy relationship. Whether you’re dealing with a friend, family member or significant other, it’s important to know the foundations of a positive relationship.

Four key indicators include:

  • Clear Communication
    Example: A teenager has made plans with her friends to meet up at the museum and get lunch afterward. Before she leaves, the teen informs her parents where she is going and who she will be with. The teen displayed clear communication by informing her parents about her plans. 
  • Respect
    Example: A boyfriend asks his girlfriend if she can remember to turn off the lights before she leaves the house. As he leaves for work, the boyfriend is confident in knowing that the lights won't be on all day because of the respect his girlfriend has for him.
  • Honesty & Trust
    Example: A husband tells his wife he wants to go over to a friend’s house and plans on spending the night. The wife replies “fine, go ahead” because her husband has exhibited consistent honesty with her in the past, which allows her to trust him.

Additionally, it's important that you feel secure and happy in your relationships. If you feel you aren't receiving these four indicators from your partner, you may not be in a healthy relationship. If you are experiencing any abuse - physical, emotional, psychological, etc. - you should seek help immediately. 

The Keys 4 Deaf Access Project is an initiative created by Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center, Cleveland Rape Crisis Center, Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center and the Cleveland Division of Police. This project ensures the accessibility of services to victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Cuyahoga County.

For information about the Keys 4 Deaf Access Project, visit our website.