1-3 months - babies like to:
- Listen to musical sounds
- Stare at movement and light
- Be held and rocked
- Reach/feel with open hands
- Soft musical toys/rattles
- Lamps throwing light patterns
- Your arms, singing, smile
4-6 months - babies like to:
- Shake, feel and bang things
- Sit with support
- Crib gym
- Cups, spoons and pot lids
- High chair suction toys
7-9 months - babies like to:
- Rollover and pivot on stomach
- Throw, wave and bang toys ·
- Gum objects
Give your baby:
- Bathtub toys
- Teether and gumming toys
- Space to roll around
10-12 months - babies like to:
- Play pat-a-cake
- Pull up and get back down
- Place things where they're wanted
Give your baby:
- Motion toys
- Baking tins and clothes pins
- Nestled plastic cups
1 year to 15 months - babies like to:
- Use one or two words
- Be hugged
- Try feeding themselves
Give your baby:
- Lots of conversation
- Personal dish, cup and spoon
- You on the floor
16 months to two years - babies like to:
- Get into everything
- Identify parts of themselves
- Fetch and carry
- Turn pages
Give your baby:
- A childproof house
- A shape sorting box
- A toy telephone
- Picture books
2 years to 30 months - toddlers like to:
- Help with housework
- Kick a large ball
- Play on riding toys
Give your toddler:
- Large balls and push toys
- Tricycle or big wheel
- Shelves to put things away
30 months to 3 years - children like to:
- Put clothing on
- Work with their fingers
- Sing songs and repeat rhymes
Give your child:
- Big crayons and paper
- Tape player or record player
- Construction sets
3 years to 4 years - children like to:
- Cut with rounded scissors
- Play games with other children
- Play with sand and water
Give your child:
- More responsibility
- Things to cut and paste
- Backyard pool or sandbox
4 years to 5 years - children like to:
- Play ball
- Repeat nursery rhymes
- Dress themselves
- Sing songs
Give your child:
- Balls of different sizes
- Time to dress himself