Try not to shout or scream.
- Decrease your volume – try not to repeatedly yell over others in noisy environments (e.g., restaurants, sporting events or other crowded locations).
- Try to eliminate background noise when talking.
- If you overuse your voice, take time for vocal rest by drinking lots of fluids and decreasing the amount of talking you do that day.
- When possible, use an amplification device or microphone when speaking in front of groups for long periods of time.
- Drink water to keep your vocal cords hydrated and healthy! If your vocal cords are dehydrated, they are more easily damaged and do not perform as well.
- Avoid clearing your throat or coughing repeatedly.
- Avoid excessive use of alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco.
- Warm up your voice before talking for a long period of time. Practice saying a sound such as “ah” going from low to high pitch and high to low pitch.
- Use good breath support. Try to breathe naturally and avoid holding your breath while speaking.
Learn more about common voice problems here.