The Wilson Reading System (WRS) is a multi-sensory, research-based reading and writing program. It is a complete curriculum for teaching decoding (sounding out words) and encoding (spelling), beginning with phoneme segmentation. WRS directly teaches the structure of words in the English language so that students master the coding system for reading and spelling. Unlike other programs that overwhelm the student with rules, the language system of English is presented in a systematic and cumulative manner so that it is manageable. It provides an organized, sequential system with extensive controlled text to help teachers implement a multi-sensory structured language program.
How the Wilson Reading System Can Help Your Child
Tags: reading, literacy, Wilson Reading Program, Learning
Read Across America Day - March 2
The National Education Association (NEA) Read Across America Day is an annual reading motivation and awareness program that calls for every child in every community to celebrate reading on March 2, the birthday of beloved children's author Dr. Seuss.
Tags: Speech, Language, Communication, reading, literacy, Wilson Reading Program, Learning
Prevent "Summer Slide" in Reading Skills
Summer vacation isn’t all fun and games (even if it should be). Research shows that summer can take a toll on a student’s knowledge and skills-from mathematics to reading development. Summer learning loss (“summer slide”) contributes substantially to the achievement gap between low-income and high-income students. Luckily many types of summer programs can help keep a child's mind engaged over the summer.
Tags: reading, literacy, Wilson Reading Program, Reading Summer Camp
Signs and symptoms of a language-learning disability
If your child has difficulty with any of the listed signs and symptoms, a language learning evaluation conducted by a speech-language pathologist SLP) is recommended.
- Reads slowly and painfully
- Shows wide disparity between listening comprehension and reading comprehension of some text; that is, they understand if someone tells them
Tags: Speech, Language, Communication, reading, literacy, Learning
Reading Aloud: The Importance of a Bedtime Story

Tags: Speech, Language, Communication, reading, literacy, Wilson Reading Program, Reading Summer Camp
What is the 30 Million Word Gap?
The Role of Parent-Child Verbal Interaction in Language and Literacy Development
Tags: Speech, Language, Communication, reading, literacy, Wilson Reading Program, Reading Summer Camp