The National Education Association (NEA) Read Across America Day is an annual reading motivation and awareness program that calls for every child in every community to celebrate reading on March 2, the birthday of beloved children's author Dr. Seuss.
Sharon Dundee

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Read Across America Day - March 2
Tags: Speech, Language, Communication, reading, literacy, Wilson Reading Program, Learning
World Hearing Day at CHSC
World Hearing Day, formally known as International Ear Care Day, is celebrated every year on March 3rd. The World Health Organization started this day in 2007 to promote better hearing health care through themes. The 2018 theme is “Hear the future” - drawing attention to the anticipated increase in the number of people with hearing loss around the world in the coming decades. It will focus on three strategies (Prevention, Identification, Treatment) to stem the rise and outline steps to ensure access to the necessary rehabilitation services and communication tools and products for people with hearing loss.
Tags: Hearing Aid, Audiology, Hearing Aids, Communication, Hearing, Hearing Loss Prevention, Hard of Hearing, Hearing Loss
Reading Aloud: The Importance of a Bedtime Story

Tags: Speech, Language, Communication, reading, literacy, Wilson Reading Program, Reading Summer Camp
February 17th Annie Glenn Communication Disorders Awareness Day
Anna Margaret “Annie” Glenn is the widow of astronaut and Senator John Glenn. She suffered from a severe stutter for most of her life. Once she received treatment, and overcame her disorder, she became a tireless advocate for people with disabilities and communication disorders. In 2016, Governor John Kasich passed a law naming February 17th (Annie’s birthday) as Annie Glenn Communication Disorders Awareness Day in the State of Ohio.
Tags: Speech, Language, Communication, Stuttering
What is a Communication Disorder?
A communication disorder is an impairment in the ability to receive, send, process, and comprehend concepts or verbal, nonverbal and graphic symbol systems. A communication disorder may be evident in the processes of hearing, language, and/or speech. A communication disorder may range in severity from mild to profound.
Tags: Speech, Language, Communication, Stroke, Hearing Loss, Stuttering
American Sign Language Interpreter Workshops
The Community Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CCDHH) at Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center (CHSC) has launched a new initiative beginning in February 2018. CCDHH will offer their first accredited American Sign Language interpreter workshop with a focus on medical interpreting. If well received and attended by the interpreting community, it is our hope that this will become an ongoing project with interpreter trainings provided more regularly. By creating these workshops, CCDHH hopes to increase professional development opportunities for interpreters in the greater Cleveland area. Currently, interpreters in our area in pursuit of continuing education credits are limited to on-line courses or they must travel a distance (even out of state) to obtain the credits to maintain their licensure and/or increase their knowledge.
Tags: Communication, Deaf, Hard of Hearing, American Sign Language, Interpreting, ASL Interpreter, ASL
Happy Birthday Helen Newell Garfield
Tags: Audiology, Communication, Hearing, Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Hearing Loss
What is a Speech Sound Disorder?
A speech sound (or articulation) disorder is when your child has difficulty making speech sounds. For example, if a child says “dup” when he is trying to say “cup”, this is a problem with speech sounds. Many children with speech disorders are also hard for others to understand. Children begin building speech skills from birth, then develop sounds over time, and eventually, use all speech sounds correctly. Using the earlier example, it would be fine if a twelve-month-old child said “dup” for “cup”, but that would not be expected from a four-year-old child. A child has a speech disorder when she is unable to make sounds that would be expected for her age. Both children and adults can have a speech disorder. It can occur as a result of a medical problem or have no known cause.
How "Clear Speech" Helps Those with Hearing Loss
As audiologists at Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center, we are best known for rehabilitating hearing loss. However, we don’t stop at evaluating your hearing. We care about communication. When you come to one of our audiologists for a diagnostic hearing evaluation, we discuss with you your lifestyle and your communication needs. We talk to you about how your specific hearing loss impacts your ability to communicate in a wide range of listening environments. Just as important— we work with family, friends, and other communication partners to help them better understand how to communicate with a loved one who has hearing loss. During May - Better Hearing and Speech Month - we want to discuss how Clear Speech can lead to better hearing. The following strategies can help you improve your communication with family and friends who have a hearing loss.
Tags: Speech, Audiology, Communication, Hearing
Why Communication Matters
Only through communication can human life hold meaning.
– Paulo Freire
Welcome to the blog for Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center (CHSC). As the premier provider of hearing, speech-language and deaf programs, services and advocacy, CHSC will keep you updated as to the latest information, tips, resources, research and more related to all things communication-based. If you are wondering how important the gift of communication can be - consider these
Tags: Speech, Language, Communication